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Twin Rivers Opportunities Inc.

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Section 8
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Family Self-Sufficiency Program

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program gives eligible families the opportunity to achieve self-sufficiency through the use of an escrow account and the coordination of local supportive services.  Local agencies assist the FSS Coordinator in developing strategies to help participants obtain employment that will lead to economic independence.  Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses and other local partners to develop a comprehensive program that gives participating FSS family members the skills and experience to enable them to obtain employment that pays a living wage. The FSS coordinator will assist in coordinating supportive services which may include:

  • Educational Training
  • Employment Counseling
  • Credit Counseling
  • Home ownership Opportunities
  • Money Management
  • Child Care
  • Personal Development
  • Other services as needed


Families who receive assistance under the housing choice voucher program are eligible to participate in the FSS program and should discuss participation with their local PHA.  PHAs can give a selection preference-for up to 50% of its FSS slots-to eligible families with one or more family members enrolled in, or on the waiting list for, and FSS related service or job placement program. For all other selections, the PHA must use an objective system, such as a lottery.  PHAs may screen applicants for interest and motivation to participate in FSS but may not screen for education, job history, credit rating, marital status, or number of children.

What is the Escrow Account?

Twin Rivers Opportunities, Inc. will open an escrow account, similar to a savings account, for FSS participants.  The balance will grow as the earned income increases.  This is verified during each recertification period.  Upon graduation and completion of participation, the FSS participant will receive the funds in the account.  If the FSS contract is terminated for any reason the family's FSS escrow funds are forfeited.

If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment please contact our FSS Coordinator:

Joy Radcliff
252-637-3599 ext 4

****If you are currently participating in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and are interest in Family Self-Sufficiency contact us today!****